Expert psychiatric clinic providing comprehensive treatment in Russian, English and Hebrew

How to come for treatment at IsraClinic

In order to come for treatment to the «IsraClinic» outpatient psychiatric clinic, you need to do the following:

1. Send us an extract from the potential patient’s medical history and a description of his current condition by e-mail or using the treatment application form.

2. Based on the information received and medical documents, the doctors of the clinic conduct a consultation. If necessary, doctors contact the patient by phone to clarify information.

3. Online consultation with psychiatrist. 

4. Based on the consultation with psychiatrist, we send you an individual survey or treatment program and the exact cost of the procedures, as well as recommendations for the period of stay in Israel.

5. After your consent and approval of the treatment program by the patient or his authorized representative, you send us copies of the passports of the patient and his accompanying persons (you can send first and last names as written in the passport and passport number). We need this information to issue an official invitation for examination or treatment, as well as to plan all necessary procedures in the laboratory and clinic.

6. You receive an official invitation for examination or treatment at the «IsraClinic», which you will need when crossing the border to confirm the purpose of your stay in Israel.

7. After agreeing on the arrival dates, we help in book air tickets, a hotel or an apartment of the patient’s choice (if necessary). Since the «IsraClinic» is a member of the Association of Medical Tourism Companies, there are special offers and discounts for our patients in many Israeli hotels.

8. The IsraClinic has a prepayment system, which is necessary to obtain a visa or to confirm the purpose of the visit.

9. Upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, you will be met by an «IsraClinic» representative and taken to your hotel or apartment. From the moment of arrival until the end of their stay in Israel, our patients are under the full patronage of the doctors and staff of «IsraClinic».

10. Upon arrival, the patient is examined by psychiatrist of «IsraClinic». At the first meeting, the entire treatment process is discussed again and adjustments are made if necessary.

11. The patient undergoes treatment in a very comfortable, pleasant environment according to a pre-agreed program.

12. Upon completion of treatment, the patient receives a complete epicrisis and all necessary documents about the treatment completed.

Important: any treatment at IsraClinic is completely anonymous!