Expert psychiatric clinic providing comprehensive treatment in Russian, English and Hebrew

The only clinic in the world using psychoergonomics method

This resource is the official website of the psychiatric clinic "IsraClinic" trademark registration number 239267

Psychiatry in Israel

One of the positive aspects is the variety of forms of medical care in Israel. In addition to public clinics and polyclinics, care is also provided in health insurance companies and in the private sector.

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Psychotherapy in Israel

Experienced psychotherapists of IsraClinic help patients to get rid of psychological problems thanks to an individual approach to each applicant for help.

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Treatment at IsraClinic

The main advantages of IsraClinic Expert Mental Health Clinic are its specialists and author's methods, which are used only in our clinic.

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Psy Clinic Tel Aviv

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IsraClinic Certificate of Introduction to Virtual Reality
IsraClinic trade Mark 239267


Norman V.  / 52 years old

Hello, dear doctor Karny!
It’s time to write a report about my well-being. Since the last time we spoke 
I have felt that the new drug treatment regimen has been helped me a lot! I feel a surge of enthusiasm and energy in my work, I don’t have feelings of depression anymore, I'm able to enjoy life! I’m very grateful to you and your strength! 
With gratitude,
Norman V. 

Alex K. / 46 years old

I would like to express my gratitude to Mark Zevin for treatment of my son Michael. The doctors could not diagnose him for a long time. Only Mark required to conduct additional tests to clarify the diagnosis. I understand that treatment's success is depending on the cause. Thank you, doctor that you have been able to determine the cause of his symptoms and found the appropriate cure!
Kindest regards, 

B.A. / 38 years old

Good morning, I want to thank doctor Vadim. I went to the doctor about voices in my head and during interview he drew attention to episode of epileptic seizures in my childhood. So, Vadim ordered an EEG and on encephalograms he found the change in the cerebrum's bioelectric activity. He recommended me to take antiepileptic drugs, and voices in my head gone away. Thank you sooo much doctor! 

R. Zelinski / 24 years old

Dear doctors of IsraClinic!
First, I would like to thank you for your professionalism. In particular, however, I would like to thank Anna Zheimo. She helped to make an exact diagnosis with a battery of tests. It took about 3 hours but her findings were very convincing for both us and the psychiatrist. Thank you, Anna, very much from me and my daughter!
With gratitude,
R. Zelinski


Dr. Tashlykov Vadim
Neurologist of the highest category

Area of ​​professional interests: neurological diagnosis and treatment of patients with psychiatric pathology, diagnosis and treatment of pain syndromes of various etiologies, diagnosis of patients with psychiatric symptoms to exclude an organic cause for psychopathology, treatment of migraines and headaches, biofeedback.

A list of scientific works of Dr. Vadim Tashlykov can be seen on the official website of the US National Library of Medicine


Dr. Zevin Mark
Psychiatrist of the highest category

Dr. Zevin Mark is a psychiatrist of the highest category, has been in clinical practice for more than 35 years.
Founder of the IsraClinic Expert Mental Health Clinic.
One of the medical experts who developed the psychoergonomic method in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric diseases.

Area of ​​professional interests: treats the entire spectrum of psychiatric pathologies.

Dr. Karny Jabotinsky-Rubin
Psychiatrist of the highest category

Area of ​​professional interests: treats the entire spectrum of psychiatric pathologies.

A list of scientific works of Dr. Karny J. Rubin  can be seen on the official website of the US National Library of Medicine