Expert psychiatric clinic providing comprehensive treatment in Russian, English and Hebrew


Over the 20 years of IsraClinic's work, doctors and specialists have managed to bring hundreds of people back to full life. Grateful patients remain our friends. We are glad that we can help people with neurological and psychological problems and be part of the recovery process. In the "Reviews" section we have published words of gratitude from patients of the clinic. These are words that have the story of each person, their emotions, and the feelings of their loved ones behind them. Many authors of reviews wished to remain anonymous, we respect each patient's right to privacy, personal and family confidentiality.


Hello, dear doctor Karny!
It’s time to write a report about my well-being. Since the last time we spoke 
I have felt that the new drug treatment regimen has been helped me a lot! I feel a surge of enthusiasm and energy in my work, I don’t have feelings of depression anymore, I'm able to enjoy life! I’m very grateful to you and your strength! 
With gratitude,
Norman V. 


I would like to express my gratitude to Mark Zevin for treatment of my son Michael. The doctors could not diagnose him for a long time. Only Mark required to conduct additional tests to clarify the diagnosis. I understand that treatment's success is depending on the cause. Thank you, doctor that you have been able to determine the cause of his symptoms and found the appropriate cure!
Kindest regards, 


Good morning, I want to thank doctor Vadim. I went to the doctor about voices in my head and during interview he drew attention to episode of epileptic seizures in my childhood. So, Vadim ordered an EEG and on encephalograms he found the change in the cerebrum's bioelectric activity. He recommended me to take antiepileptic drugs, and voices in my head gone away. Thank you sooo much doctor! 


Dear doctors of IsraClinic!
First, I would like to thank you for your professionalism. In particular, however, I would like to thank Anna Zheimo. She helped to make an exact diagnosis with a battery of tests. It took about 3 hours but her findings were very convincing for both us and the psychiatrist. Thank you, Anna, very much from me and my daughter!
With gratitude,
R. Zelinski


At IsraClinic I received highly qualified help.

A comprehensive approach and well-coordinated work of the administration, doctors and staff create a comfortable atmosphere.

Special thanks to Dr. Mark for his professionalism and responsiveness.


In America, I went to different specialists, but I never achieved the desired result. I was always prescribed new medications and that was it. In Israclinic, everything starts with a very detailed study of my history and diagnosis. Then the doctors collegially decide which treatment strategy is optimal in my case. And only after that they started to treat me. Dr. Mark was engaged in selection of medications, Jenny was engaged in psychotherapy with me and Valery was engaged in art therapy with me. It was all done in a comprehensive approach and very organized. As a result, I achieved complete remission and returned to my full life. A huge thank you to all the doctors and administrators of the clinic! I will never forget you!