Expert psychiatric clinic providing comprehensive treatment in Russian, English and Hebrew

Psychotherapy in Israel

Psychotherapy in Israel is highly effective due to the combination of advanced world and proprietary therapy methods. In the process of working with a psychotherapist, a key factor in the success of treatment is trusting contact with the patient. At the IsraClinic clinic, all doctors speak Russian, as they completed their studies in the post-Soviet countries. Moreover, they became doctors in Israel, which gives our Russian-speaking patients guarantees of receiving the most advanced treatment. We maintain confidentiality and always look for an individual approach to each patient.


Stressful situations are integral attributes of modern society. On the one hand, the development of society is unthinkable without them, and on the other hand, the negative consequences of emotional stress on a person can significantly reduce the quality of life, and sometimes significantly shorten its duration. Psychotherapy has proven itself well in the fight against the negative consequences of emotional stress.

The term “psychotherapy” first appeared at the end of the 19th century in the book of the English physician Daniel Huck Tuke, “An Illustration of the Influence of the Mind on the Body.” By this word the author meant a certain therapeutic effect that the patient's spirit could have on the patient's body due to the influence of the doctor.

Now let’s imagine ourselves for a moment in the role of a patient wandering in the market for psychotherapeutic services. Classical psychoanalysis, interpersonal therapy, cognitive and behavioral therapy, and many other techniques. Just listing the titles can fill an entire book. But time does not wait. All that a patient is looking for in psychotherapy is accessibility, efficiency and speed in solving their problems.


Types of psychotherapeutic techniques

Today, in the 21st century, ideas about psychotherapy have expanded greatly. In addition to the fact that a theoretical justification for psychotherapeutic influences on a person has appeared, a great variety of psychotherapeutic techniques have appeared and continue to appear every day. But the ultimate goal of all types of psychotherapy is the same - improving a person’s quality of life.

Psychotherapeutic techniques

• Classical psychoanalysis (practically not used in Israel, considered an outdated method)

• Brief psychodynamic therapies

• Interpersonal therapy

• Cognitive behavioral therapy

• Dynamic psychotherapy

• Supportive psychotherapy (used for chronic psychiatric diseases, oncological diseases)

• Group therapy

• Family therapy

• Gestalt therapy

• Holistic psychotherapy

• Prolonged exposure therapy

• Schema therapy

• Therapy of acceptance and responsibility


Psychotherapy at the private clinic “IsraClinic”

Research in recent years has shown that the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic treatment does not depend on the type of psychotherapy but depends on the effectiveness of communication between the patient and the psychotherapist. Often, at the beginning of work, the patient cannot formulate his problem, understand what is bothering him, and the task of the psychotherapist is to help him understand himself, recognize, guide, and accompany the patient in solving his problems.


Main tasks of psychotherapy:

• Provide an opportunity to understand yourself and your life

• Discuss problems from a different angle, look at the situation from the outside, try to find an alternative solution

• Stimulate the patient’s internal resources to solve the problem

• Using various techniques, help the patient get rid of negative emotions, resolve past grievances, work on self-esteem, improve memory and attention, teach self-control, and communication techniques.

Often, if there is a psychiatric problem, a person turns to relatives and friends for help and expects help, support, and resolution of the problem from them, but this does not happen, and the problem only gets worse. There is an unspoken rule in medicine that goes like this: doctors should not treat their loved ones. This rule did not appear in vain, because in this case objectivity is lost - loved ones may have their own vision of the situation, their own life experience and, in the end, their own psychological problems. Only a specialist, after a thorough examination, establishing a problem or diagnosis, using special techniques, can help resolve existing problems.


When conducting psychotherapy, IsraClinic specialists in Israel are guided by the following principles:

• Always work for the benefit of the patient

• Absolute confidentiality

• Openness of information about the progress of treatment to the patient

• Informing the patient about psychotherapy methods and providing him with a choice of one method or another

• Necessity and sufficiency of prescriptions

• Conduct a completely honest dialogue with the patient

• Do not promise something that the specialist doubts.

Experienced psychotherapists at IsraClinic help patients get rid of psychological problems thanks to an individual approach to each person who seeks help. In addition, a common mentality (the clinic’s doctors are repatriates from the countries of the former Soviet Union) and communication in their native language are the key to effective communication, and therefore successful treatment.