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Hippotherapy is an auxiliary psychotherapeutic technique that allows you to achieve significant results. The beneficial effects of hippotherapy on the psyche have been proven by practical medicine. Hippotherapy allows one to cope with depressive disorders, manifestations of autism, mental retardation, symptoms of schizophrenia and the negative effects of stress. Hippotherapy works particularly well on young patients who suffer from isolation, anxiety, and phobias. Obtaining the skills of riding and controlling a horse, caring for a large animal contribute to the development of self-esteem and successful adaptation to society.


Hippotherapy is one of the most ancient methods of physiotherapy and psychotherapy, known since the time of Hippocrates. Communication with an amazing animal - a horse, has a beneficial effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of a person.

Hippotherapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment for a few mental diseases, unique in its effectiveness and widely used in global rehabilitation practice. In Israel, the IsraClinic uses hippotherapy as an additional method of psychotherapy to treat diseases such as depression, mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, stress, and others.


What is unique about hippotherapy?

• It has been proven that while riding, a horse communicates to the rider from 90 to 110 oscillatory impulses per minute, for example, during a minute of trotting, the human body makes 500 movements, in four planes at once. Imagine that you draw with one hand, play a musical instrument with the other, dance with one foot, and play football with the other. And all this at the same time. Agree, this is impossible to do.

• Various movements of the animal's muscles have a massaging effect and increase blood circulation.

• During horse riding, precise movements are formed using fine motor skills. The huge number of sensations and movements that a rider receives during hippotherapy cannot be compared with any other methods of rehabilitation.

• Hippotherapy forms concentration, develops thinking and memory.

• While riding, the rider must be as collected and organized as possible; he must plan his actions and remember exercises, which activates analytical processes. He must constantly maintain balance and balance, which clearly has a positive effect on the physical condition of patients, including those diagnosed with delayed psycho-speech development. Coordination of movements, self-esteem and self-control improve, aggressiveness and nervousness decrease, mood and well-being improve.

• Introverted individuals, patients with autism spectrum disorder learn social interaction through contact with a horse. For example, in autism, communication with a trusting animal emotionally liberates the patient, relieves inhibition, reduces anxiety, and helps to adapt to society.


Hippotherapy for children

A special program is provided for young patients. With the help of exercises specially developed by specialists, children improve their speech skills, endurance, dexterity, gain new communication experience and positive emotions, and the child’s life is painted with new colors. After several lessons, children develop a desire to achieve goals, work on difficult tasks and overcome obstacles. Introverted children who have problems with communication get on a horse and gain self-esteem, overcome self-doubt and fear of communicating with other people. The child begins to feel that he can control a large and strong animal, which, of course, contributes to the development of self-affirmation and self-esteem.

In the private clinic “IsraClinic” hippotherapy is used to treat fears in children and adults. The horse is susceptible to most emotional reactions, it can develop habits, recognize the rider, respond to the tone of voice, thus a properly trained horse is able to act in a stereotyped manner, creating a sense of stability. Stability is the basis for removing feelings of fear, creating a sense of trust in oneself or others, because while riding a horse the patient is forced to trust this animal and its perception of the surrounding reality.

In Israel, hippotherapy is used as one of the auxiliary psychotherapeutic techniques in the treatment of psychiatric diseases, if the patient has no contraindications for its use: epilepsy of unknown origin, severe forms of mental retardation, severe forms of autism, psychosis.

Many years of experience in using hippotherapy at «IsraClinic» indicate that horse riding has a positive effect not only on the physical but also on the psychological state of the patient, helps in finding new solutions, gives a positive emotional mood, promotes activity and improves mood. Mandatory care for the horse after training helps to develop independence skills and gives an understanding of the established norms and rules of behavior with other people.

Hippotherapy in the treatment of psychiatric diseases is always recommended only in combination with other treatment methods. But doctors admit that its use gives excellent results without side effects and with benefits for the mental and physiological state of the patient.


Prevention of diseases with hippotherapy

Riding a horse has a massaging and warming effect - a horse's body temperature is 1.5 degrees higher than that of a person. During the riding process, a person uses almost all muscle groups, which allows him to quickly recover from various injuries, as well as be treated for various diseases.

Interestingly, hippotherapy treatment is recommended not only for mental disorders, but also for neurological diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological and urological problems, diseases of the cardiovascular system and other disorders.

Prevention through hippotherapy is practiced not only for treatment, but also to prevent relapses in patients who have suffered some kind of disease. Horseback riding strengthens the body, immunity, and protective functions. Horse riding also develops self-discipline and the right attitude towards others - thanks to informal communication with the horse, the patient relaxes, his level of anxiety decreases, and stress resistance increases. In addition, caring for an animal gives positive emotions and a positive charge.

Riding a horse ultimately only increases the body's protective functions and helps return mental health to normal. That is why doctors often recommend horse riding as a preventive measure.
