Expert psychiatric clinic providing comprehensive treatment in Russian, English and Hebrew

Treatment at IsraClinic

Israeli psychiatric clinic «IsraClinic» is the only clinic in the world that uses the psychoergonomics method in treating its patients. This unique method, developed by doctors of «IsraClinic», is based on the works of medieval philosophers and architects.

For many centuries, philosophers and scientists observing nature and man talked about the search for harmony as the holistic development of man in order to achieve internal and external balance. Mathematicians, architects, artists, biologists and doctors wrote in their works that everything that exists, living and inanimate, strives to move, interact with the external environment, changing this environment and changing itself, gradually coming to an understanding of harmony.

Today, in the 21st century, along with a colossal leap in science and technology, we look at the world around us in a new way. Achieving harmony is still the goal for any person - harmony with society, the environment and oneself. For harmonious functioning, it is necessary to understand your consciousness, the healthy development of the sensory and bodily spheres - then we can talk about internal balance. Let us emphasize that when we talk about balance and harmony, we mean our sensations generated by consciousness. In other words, happiness is what we feel. But what to do if, for one reason or another, a person understands that he is at odds with himself and the world around him? Psychoergonomics, a unique direction in psychiatry, developed by specialists from the «IsraClinic», comes to the rescue.

In order to explain the essence of psychoergonomics, let us recall the famous drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci «The Vitruvian Man». It depicts the figure of a man in two superimposed positions: with arms and legs spread to the sides, inscribed in a circle; with arms apart and legs brought together, inscribed in a square. The drawing and its explanations are sometimes called «canonical proportions»; it is often used as a symbol of the internal symmetry of the human body and the Universe as a whole. This drawing was dedicated to the work of Vitruvius, the Roman architect who is the author of the ergonomic proportioning system. The views of Vitruvius were based on the idea of the universal significance of numerical patterns and proportional relationships in the structure of the Universe and man, which should be used to guide both the construction of buildings and the construction of machines.

Ergonomics in the modern sense is the science of adapting job responsibilities, workplaces, objects and objects of work, as well as computer programs for the safest and most effective work of a person, based on his physical and mental characteristics. This science was developed in the 1920s, in connection with a significant technological leap and the emergence of complex technology that a person must control in his activities. Psychoergonomics is a new direction developed by doctors of «IsraClinic», the essence of which is an individual approach to each person and his mental and psychological problems, taking into account his lifestyle, socialization, external and internal realization. In other words, the goal of psychoergonomics is to achieve harmony through the selection of a strictly individual and comprehensive therapy plan.


Diagnostics and treatment in psychoergonomics

Any therapy begins with a diagnosis. To draw up a treatment plan doctors of «IsraClinic» conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient - physical, neurological, psychotherapeutic, psychological and psychiatric. During the examination, clinic specialists collect a thorough medical history, including not only the medical history, but also the patient’s lifestyle, his relationships in reference groups (family, friends, team), interests, and the patient’s fulfillment in all social aspects. After the examination, doctors draw up an individual treatment plan aimed at achieving maximum results.

Treatment includes only those procedures that are necessary for the patient in accordance with his diagnosis, psychotype and personality characteristics. In addition to observation by a psychiatrist and individually selected psychotherapy the treatment plan may include biofeedback, sports therapy, hippotherapy, hydrotherapy, art therapy, bibliotherapy, and musical therapy. During the treatment process all specialists are in close cooperation with each other, report on the dynamics of the patient’s condition, and, if necessary, adjust the treatment plan in accordance with his well-being.

The main task of psychoergonomics is the patient’s comfort during therapy, considering his preferences and characteristics. Therefore, treatment is mainly carried out on an outpatient basis; the clinic does not have the atmosphere of a hospital ward; doctors do not wear white coats. Sports therapy takes place in a park in the fresh air or on the seashore, hydrotherapy in a swimming pool, hippotherapy in a special hippodrome with trained horses. In their free time, the patient and his family can relax, visit museums and excursions. Therapy at «IsraClinic» is as close as possible to comfortable conditions of a holiday abroad, since psychological ergonomics is a priority, and, as thirteen years of practice has shown, the key to the patient’s recovery.