Expert psychiatric clinic providing comprehensive treatment in Russian, English and Hebrew

Music therapy

Music therapy has been successfully used to treat autism, depressive disorders, the effects of stress, neurotic conditions, and other common psychological problems. With the help of music, there is a beneficial effect on the state of mind. The concept of music therapy includes techniques that promote emotional activity, improve communication skills, and the ability to relax. Music therapy is also used in complex behavioral therapy.


One of the additional methods of psychotherapy used in complex treatment at the IsraClinic is music therapy, treatment using the healing effects of music on a person’s psychological state and health in general.

The beneficial effect of music on the human condition has been known since ancient times. Pythagoras was the first to appreciate the therapeutic effect of sounds, and he also proposed the concept of “musical medicine.” Currently, music psychotherapy is widely used in European and American health care and psychological care systems, and is successfully used in psychiatry, psychosomatics, neurological rehabilitation, neonatology, oncology, and other branches of medicine.

Music therapy is based on the familiar property of music to evoke seemingly long-forgotten memories, both pleasant and painful. Music therapy affects both mental and somatic processes. It can be effectively used not only to correct psychological problems, but also for general health improvement, to relieve pain, improve sleep, to calm or, conversely, raise the tone of patients.


Music therapy: techniques

This method of psychotherapy as music therapy includes a variety of techniques:

• techniques that promote emotional activation;

• techniques presented in the form of vocal, instrumental and motor improvisational systems;

• communication techniques;

• techniques that promote relaxation;

• techniques that are used in behavioral therapy.

Music therapy as a method of psychotherapy has proven its effectiveness in practice: thanks to the use of this technique, mental balance and adequate perception are restored even in the most difficult patients. Of course, the method requires a competent approach, and that is why it is necessary that music therapy be carried out by professional specialists.


Indications for the use of music therapy

Indications for the use of the musical method of psychotherapy are:

• depressive disorders;

• stressful situations;

• states of shock;

• autism;

• increased anxiety;

• neurotic conditions;

• suspiciousness.

Music therapy as a preventative measure

Now, psychologists and psychotherapists widely use music therapy as one of the most effective methods of psychotherapy, not only as part of the main treatment, but also as a preventive measure. Music therapy as a preventive method can reduce anxiety, prevent the development of serious diseases and disorders, and stabilize the emotional state.

Professional psychotherapists and psychologists from the «IsraClinic» will use music therapy to help you or your loved ones regain peace of mind. Our clinic employs only experienced specialists who are well acquainted with modern psychological practices.

«IsraClinic» psychotherapists use music specially written to activate once repressed painful experiences, to recognize and express them, opening the circle of pathological influence. As a result of such therapy, emotional balance is achieved, and psycho-vegetative processes are regulated.