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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Trauma Desensitization Method

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is an effective tool used in psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, fears, increased anxiety, self-doubt, and isolation. The technique is very simple: the patient moves his eyes at a slow pace and in the order specified by the specialist. Thus, the patient experiences a traumatic event, because of repetition of sessions, his reaction to the negative experience changes, emotions become more smoothed out. The peculiarity of EMDR is its duration; up to 5 sessions are enough for recovery; about 12 for participants in military operations.


EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, as a technique appeared in USA. The author of the technique, Francine Shapiro (clinical psychologist), invented it by accident, after a difficult course of chemotherapy. She noticed that she felt better if she moved her eyes in a calm manner.

EMDR is a methodological psychological assistance that allows you to cope with tension, insurance, increased anxiety, and negativity. The effect was proven by modern research - the result was recorded during an MRI.


The basis and essence of EMDR

Scientists have found a scientific explanation for the EMDR phenomenon, arguing that it is one of the options for adaptive information processing. There are adaptive (norm) and maladaptive (pathology) information processing. For example, you went swimming in the sea, and after swimming from the shore, you almost drowned:

• Normal adaptive information processing: you will become more careful, more restrained, begin to learn to swim or stop swimming in coordinate space;

• Maladaptive: You develop hydrophobia. You will begin to be afraid of any water, which is a mental pathology.

When formed, neural connections form something like “capsules” that participate in thought processes. This creates a trigger that contributes to the formation of a developmental phobia and the emergence of negative experiences.

The principle of desensitization is bilateral stimulation, its action is the following mechanisms:

1. Stimulation of the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain by movements of the eyeballs;

2. Alternate processing of different parts of the brain has a beneficial effect on the emotional background, reducing the level of stress, fear, and anxiety.

Special organization of movements by triggering the process of bilateral stimulation of the cerebral hemispheres, which creates a capsule formed by neurons. This is awareness raising equipment. During the sessions, the patient gradually transforms - the specialist records changes in his emotional background, visual images, thinking processes, and behavioral reactions. This psychotherapeutic assistance in digesting traumatic events allows you to return to a calm and comfortable life.

Indications for EMDR

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is used for the following conditions:

• phobias;

• fears;

• panic attasc;

• post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD);

• eating disorders;

• sexual disorders;

• diffidence;

• stress;

• anxiety;

• obsessive states.

The psychological method of EMDR is an effective remedy used after experienced traumas and in painful conditions. It copes well with negative influences, pain, and bitterness of loss. Actively used as part of a rehabilitation program for PTSD.

EMDR session: how does it work?

At the first stage, the specialist teaches patients relaxation practices, selecting the most comfortable method of deep relaxation. This is followed by consolidation - if necessary, the patient can quickly return to a comfortable, relaxed state.

During the second stage, the psychotherapist talks with the patient, recording his reaction to negative memories. You choose the most traumatic event to process.

Third stage. Against the backdrop of unpleasant sensations, a mental pain specialist shows how to make special rotational movements with the eyes at the right pace. Training occurs in series, with relaxation breaks between them. With frequent use of technology, the emotional reaction softens and the attitude towards situations changes. All actions are carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

It is important to understand that EMDR is not hypnosis. After the sessions, the patient remembers everything, only the attitude towards the traumatic events and reaction changes - it becomes more restrained and calmer.

Features of the eye movement desensitization technique for trauma

The procedure has several advantages and benefits.

1. It is not necessary to tell the therapist the details. The reaction to a traumatic event is important for a specialist. He uses the EMDR method to alleviate memories. Their content doesn't matter. The fear of spiders is sometimes stronger than experiencing the horrors of war.

2. EMDR increases self-esteem, self-respect, allows you to reveal your abilities and show character.

3. Minimum terms. To achieve results, 2 to 5 sessions are enough.


Clinical studies of the method showed the following results:

• as part of rehabilitation after traumatic memories, EMDR showed effectiveness in 77% of cases. The number of sessions ranged (for each patient) from 3 to 6;

• participants in military operations required psychotherapy in the amount of 12 sessions. This is due to frequent repetitions of trauma experienced during the war;

• the condition after EMDR sessions remains stable. By comparison, after the end of drug therapy, patients soon re-emerge with symptoms of mental disorders.

You can take a course of eye movement trauma desensitization at the IsraClinic. Before the procedure, our specialists will conduct a diagnosis, based on the results of which the number of sessions and, if necessary, auxiliary therapeutic techniques will be prescribed.