Expert psychiatric clinic providing comprehensive treatment in Russian, English and Hebrew

Second opinion

Often, the opinion of one specialist is not enough to verify the diagnosis or make a diagnosis. In such cases, a Second opinion is used, one more qualified in a particular area.


Who is eligible for the second medical opinion service?

• For those who doubt their diagnosis

• For those for whom doctors cannot make an accurate diagnosis for a long time, they change their recommendations and drug treatment

• For those for whom pharmacotherapy does not bring effective results

• Those whose mental health is deteriorating due to prescribed treatment

• Those who need professional advice from Israeli specialists regarding the chosen treatment strategy or examination results

• Psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists in the process of differential diagnosis, to select a method of therapy

• For those who want to know about new methods of treating their disease


How to get the Second opinion service

Patients, their loved ones, doctors, and specialists working in the field of psychiatry can get answers to their questions from our doctors. To arrange a consultation with a specialist, you must do the following:


Stage 1. Collection of all medical documents.

You send to our email [email protected] a complete package of medical documents, including tests, discharge summaries, inspection records (CT, MRI, EEG and other relevant documents). Visual materials can be sent via file sharing services. In addition, you send a detailed description of your condition or the patient’s condition today, including the medication regimen. Also, in the letter you indicate an opinion on what issue you would like to receive.

Stage 2. Study of all submitted documents by a specialized medical specialist.

Depending on the main diagnosis, your documents are examined by a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist, clinical psychologist, or child psychiatrist.

We guarantee that your case will be handled by the best specialists in their field.

Stage 3. Online consultation with a specialized doctor.

Using computer and telecommunication technologies, a specialized medical specialist will contact you to discuss the submitted documents.


After the conversation, several options are possible:

o Assigning additional checks to the place of residence.

o Treatment recommendations.

o Adjustment of existing treatment.

o Making a diagnosis.

A case from the practice of “IsraClinic”. A young man from Russia came to the clinic regarding his wife’s case. He described in detail the history of her illness, her diagnosis, and methods of treatment. Unfortunately, a combination of electroconvulsive therapy and insulin therapy was chosen for therapy, the effectiveness of which and their combination is highly questionable. In addition, such methods have not been used in Israel for a long time. The young man described in detail the condition of his wife after such therapy: according to specialists at the IsraClinic clinic, the treatment could lead to catastrophic consequences, including the complete loss of higher mental functions, because of which an urgent Skype conference was organized with the patient’s relatives and her attending physicians. Thanks to the recommendations of IsraClinic specialists, the treatment was adjusted, the patient began to recover and after some time was discharged from the hospital with significant improvements.


What do you get when using Second opinion?

First, your case or the case of your patients will be dealt with by a specialized doctor of the highest category, an expert in the field of a specific disease. The study of any case is carried out very carefully; if there is insufficient information, IsraClinic doctors make a request for additional information. Based on the results of the conversation with a specialist, you will receive an expert opinion by email with treatment recommendations based on the most modern methods and knowledge in the field of treatment of a particular disease.

If a patient needs treatment with drugs that are not on the market in your country, we can arrange for the drugs to be sent directly from the pharmacy.

Doctors at the private psychiatric clinic “IsraClinic” have already helped dozens of patients: timely assistance on urgent issues related to their well-being and the treatment process was able to prevent sometimes irreversible consequences for their health. Many psychiatrists from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the Baltic countries were able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment for their patients thanks to IsraClinic specialists. We will be happy to help you too.