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The biofeedback method (BFB), allows you to learn how to effectively manage your psychological state, control panic attacks, phobias, and develop positive reactions to stressful situations. The psychotherapist places sensors on various parts of the patient’s body, and the signals that are transmitted from the nervous system are displayed on the monitor in the form of waves. The patient hears the work of his body through headphones. When there is emotional stress, a high tone is heard, relaxation and relaxation contribute to a decrease in tone in the headphones: this means a good response to stress triggers. The biofeedback technique teaches the patient relaxation techniques and allows you to select individual methods for relieving anxiety, fear, and negative experiences.


Biofeedback, or biological feedback (BFB) – is a therapy carried out under the supervision of professional specialists. It gives a good effect in the treatment of various mental illnesses and disorders, as part of rehabilitation programs, and is used with the active participation of both parties: the doctor and the patient.

The essence of the method is to teach the patient to manage his body, condition, and health. The procedure allows you to see and hear the work of the body's systems, as well as influence your own biological indicators. Using guided imagery techniques, meditation, and relaxation, you can change the body's physical response to stress or psychological triggers.

Features of biofeedback therapy

During the biofeedback technique, patients observe their body’s physical reactions to stress, fears, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, and depression. Understanding the processes occurring in the body in response to psychological triggers contributes to more conscious control of anxiety and learning methods for relieving pathological conditions.

For a modern person, relaxation and rest skills are critically important: constant stress leads to fears, excess weight, nicotine addiction, anxiety, and neuroses. In some cases, stress is certainly beneficial - it forces the body to mobilize all its forces and direct them to solving current problems. However, chronic stress leads to the development of neurotic disorders, irritability, depression, and somatic diseases.

As part of medical practice, specialists used biofeedback to improve physical well-being, relieve muscle stiffness and psychological negativity. The experience of using this technique made it possible to direct a person’s abilities to reveal internal potential and self-realization. Thanks to modern devices, the patient can record changes in physical and psychological state, which manifest themselves in the form of visual and auditory stimuli.

Each patient can see and hear changes in his body, understand himself, and learn to control the received signals. During the session, special sensors are attached to the patient’s body that measure pressure, bioelectrical activity of the brain, heart rate, and electrical resistance of the skin.


Biofeedback offers:

• open a “window” in which patients can become familiar with their own body’s reactions to negative factors;

• track and give feedback, show the results of controlling the body, psychological processes, brain activity;

• regulate the level of stress;

• use consciousness to achieve goals, normalize all areas of life.

When under stress (physical, mental), the patient will hear an increased tone in the headphones - this is the sound that comes from the devices and indicates an increase in pressure, bioelectrical activity, and a disruption in the heart rhythm. As you relax, the tone will decrease. The body feels most favorable during relaxation. After 2-4 weeks, you will learn to understand yourself, to realize what factors lead to disruption of psychological and physiological functioning.

Each subsequent procedure allows you to learn how to control the body, the brain learns to remember new patterns of reactions to stress factors and tension. The headache goes away and the need to regularly take painkillers disappears. Information begins to be better absorbed, difficulties at work and at school disappear.


What are the types of Biofeedback?

There are 5 types of Biofeedback.

1. Galvanic skin response (GSR), or change in the electrical resistance of the skin. There is a proven connection between skin resistance and the degree of relaxation of the body, influencing emotional reactions and well-being. A person receives information about the functioning of systems and organs through sensory sensors installed on the hands. High voltage and negative emotions are responded to by a high level of tones in the headphones.

2. Measuring the level of muscle tone tension. High muscle tension causes somatic reactions: headaches, stiffness, pain in the neck and shoulders. During relaxation, the muscles are relaxed, the patient does not feel discomfort. The subject receives information through sensors installed on the head.

3. Heart rate measurement. If the emotional background worsens and the heart rhythm is disrupted, the sensors will transmit a high tone to the headphones. This means that the heart works at an extremely fast pace. The ability to relax improves the functionality of the cardiovascular system. Information about the heart is transmitted through a sensor installed on the patient's finger. The work of the heart muscle is shown on the screen of a special device: large, uneven waves indicate a high susceptibility to stress. Uniform waves mean that the emotional state and heart function are normal, it is less susceptible to stress triggers.

4. Measuring bioelectrical brain waves, their level of activity and quality. We are able to learn quickly, concentrate well and remember more with high quality brain wave activity. Improvement can be achieved by practicing deep relaxation techniques. This also promotes quality night sleep.

The patient receives information about the level of brain wave activity through electrodes installed on the head. The patient sees waves on the screen: a close distance between the peaks indicates a high level of attention, a far distance indicates distracted attention (during relaxation). Irregularity and scattering of waves indicate irritability, negative emotions, depression, and inability to concentrate.

5. Measuring skin temperature. Warmth indicates relaxation: the blood that circulates just under the skin raises the temperature. More blood flow means deeper relaxation. An increase in circulation launches restoration processes and has a beneficial effect on the affected areas of the body. Temperature sensors are placed in places where blood and lymph flow is expected to increase (on the hands). Negative situations and nervousness negatively affect blood circulation in the hands - during exciting experiences they usually become cold. Temperature is measured using a digital thermometer.


What diseases does Biofeedback treat?

Biofeedback is used to treat many abnormalities and disorders. The basis of such diseases is stress of an emotional and physical nature. Biofeedback therapy is used for:


• attention deficit syndromes in hyperactive children;

• enuresis of various etiologies;

• PMS;

• bronchial asthma;

• chronic fatigue syndromes;

• increased blood pressure;

• pain syndromes, in particular with migraines;

• paresis, paralysis;

• strokes;

• weather dependence;

• strong emotional reactions;

• anxieties, phobias;

• depressive disorders;

• panic attacks;

• post-traumatic stress disorders;

• eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia);

• sleep disorders.

Biofeedback is combined with other methods - drug therapy, sports therapy, hippotherapy, art therapy and others. The course of biofeedback therapy is selected individually, considering the needs of each patient. One session takes 50-60 minutes, on average the course consists of 24 sessions.

The task of Biofeedback is to adjust nervous regulation. It allows you to change stereotypical behavior and develop new, safer reactions to stress triggers. The method is often used as part of weight loss programs.

You can sign up for biofeedback therapy at «IsraClinic». The course of treatment is prescribed after diagnosis and consultation with specialists. After the course, the skills are retained - they should be used in stressful situations. This way you will be able to control yourself, emotional reactions, analyze your own behavior, experience various methods of relaxation: visualization, breathing practices, muscle relaxation. You will learn to control your body and mind.