Expert psychiatric clinic providing comprehensive treatment in Russian, English and Hebrew

Psychiatry in Israel

Psychiatric clinic IsraClinic: why do people ask us for help?

A psychiatric diagnosis in the modern world is synonymous with social isolation. Despite the development of psychiatry as a science and understanding of the pathology of mental and physiological processes, patients with mental disorders are still treated with caution and negativity. Meanwhile, pharmacology and medicine have made great strides forward in the treatment of mental illnesses, and Israel, being at the forefront of science, offers the most modern treatment methods, including in the field of psychiatry.

The «IsraClinic» clinic was created more than 20 years ago by a team of like-minded doctors whose goal was to provide high-quality and effective care to all Russian-speaking patients. In psychiatry, dialogue between doctor and patient in the same language, common mentality, and understanding of sociocultural factors are critically important. Another important factor in successful treatment is the professionalism of the specialist - the doctor must be aware of all new developments, techniques and medications for the treatment of certain diseases. The «IsraClinic» team is medical specialists of the highest level, authors of their own unique methods, using the latest generation drugs in therapy.

Patients of our clinic

Patients come to the clinic from different parts of the world - the USA, Canada, European and Baltic countries, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China and other countries.

Psychiatric clinic «IsraClinic» is the only clinic that uses the psychoergonomics method, which was developed by the clinic’s specialists. This method reflects the trends in psychiatry that have been formed in recent years, namely an individual and comprehensive approach to patient therapy, dynamic psychotherapy, considering absolutely all aspects of the patient’s personality and the history of his illness. The psychoergonomic approach allows us to achieve stabilization of the patient’s condition in the shortest possible time.

What diseases do we treat?

Doctors at «IsraClinic» treat a wide range of disorders and diseases - schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, panic attacks, depression, anxiety disorders, fears and phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia), personality disorder, neurological disorders. In addition, «IsraClinic» specialists help to cope with family problems, low self-esteem, to cope with the consequences of stressful experiences. The clinic operates a rehabilitation center that successfully treats all types of addictions (alcoholism, gambling addiction, drug addiction, dependence on drugs and toxic substances, and others).

«IsraClinic» is a private psychiatric clinic that guarantees its patients confidentiality and, if necessary, complete anonymity. Treatment in an anonymous psychiatric clinic guarantees medical confidentiality and non-disclosure of personal information by clinic staff.

Why choose us

Treatment at «IsraClinic» is not only about the best specialists, effective medications and the best techniques. The clinic’s specialists primarily ensure that the patient feels comfortable during the therapy process. Most diseases and disorders are treated on an outpatient basis, the patient comes to the clinic at a certain time for consultations and meetings with specialists, the rest of the time he relaxes, goes on excursions, and visits sights. The hospital mainly treats patients with dual diagnoses, when psychiatric pathology develops due to the use of psychoactive substances (alcohol or drugs), or vice versa, due to depression, stress, or anxiety disorder the patient develops an addiction to alcohol or drugs.

By contacting us you will receive support and assistance in solving all organizational issues. Visa support and paperwork, meeting at the airport, transfer, search and selection of a hotel or apartment at the request of the patient, private and group excursions - all this will be helped by the administrative staff of the clinic.

It is important to understand that a good psychiatric clinic is not one where you are given guarantees of recovery. This is a clinic where specialists do their best for the patient. At «IsraClinic» you will receive not only the best doctors and modern medicines, but also a warm environment and patient care.