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Family psychotherapy

In the modern world, family consultations are carried out quite often, because, for example, in the West, people understand that timely professional intervention and resolution of minor problems will help avoid a family crisis or divorce and maintain healthy relationships in the family. A psychotherapist will help not only understand the relationship between spouses and improve them, but also build a trusting relationship between parents and their children. Unfortunately, conflicts, misunderstandings and minor grievances are not uncommon in families, and it is possible to competently approach the resolution of troubles only with the help of family counseling. Remember, if your relationship with your spouse or child is not going well (especially in adolescence), no experienced relatives or friends can help. Sometimes, on the contrary, such advice can destroy families.


The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state.

The struggle for power, economic, creative, and cultural problems.

Exploitation, dreams of freedom, revolutionary sentiments

Dovlatov Sergey


In the practice of the psychiatric clinic “IsraClinic”, family consultation, as a form of work, occupies a significant place. It is not without reason that Sergei Dovlatov’s statement about family was chosen as the epigraph for the article. We completely and completely share his belief that the family is a state with all the attendant attributes. Everything here is like in a real state: government, ministries, army, police. The difference is that the functions of these numerous departments are voluntarily assigned to a small number of people who, as a rule, do not have such highly specialized knowledge and skills in different areas. You must study on the spot without teachers or textbooks. And if during study, mistakes are perceived as an integral part of it, then in the family this can serve as a reason for conflict.

Let's go further. Everyone understands that the viability of the state depends on economic stability, on adequate domestic and foreign policies pursued by the government. It is desirable for the state to be a sufficiently flexible formation to more adequately respond to both internal and external changes. It is ideal, depending on the situation, to balance between authoritarian and democratic leadership styles. Do you think the analogy with the state is far-fetched and that the processes taking place in the state are not the same as in the family?


Family consultation at the private clinic “IsraClinic”

Here's an example for you. He and she have been married for 15 years, and this is not the first marriage for both. He is the head of a department in a large bank and the main breadwinner in the family. She is an art critic with a small salary and has a son from her first marriage who is studying at a prestigious university in England. The relationship between the spouses at the beginning was simply ideal - a sea of flowers, expensive gifts, together everywhere, plans for the future. In other words, it was a happy family. It seems that he forgot about his unfaithful wife, and she forgot about her husband, an alcoholic who often beat her. It all started when she returned home late from an exhibition presentation one day. This had happened before, but this time he saw that she was accompanied by a young man. He did not believe his wife’s explanations, and a scandal broke out at home. After this episode, love turned into a complete nightmare. Suspicions, reproaches, outbursts of irritability and scandals for any reason. And this situation continued for several years without any attempt to resolve it, and none of the spouses was ready for the thought of divorce. Well, tell me it’s not a revolutionary situation! Who can really help in solving such family problems? Relatives or work colleagues? Maybe, but with the caveat that their life experience 100% matches your situation, and the likelihood of this is very low.

We need a person who can objectively assess the situation and competently help find a way out of it. Recently, it has become relatively popular to turn to family psychologists to solve family problems. The main form of work of a family psychologist is family consultation. A family psychologist does not provide psychotherapeutic treatment. Family psychotherapy is used in their practice by social workers, clinical psychologists, and psychiatrists.

At the «IsraClinic» psychiatric clinic, we provide a full range of services for families in crisis, including family counseling and family psychotherapy. Remember that timely assistance in solving family problems can save the family and restore the warmth of the family hearth. Love connects two loving hearts, but with such different inner worlds that it takes your breath away. Only strong emotions can do this, and emotions tend to fade. That’s when people realize how different they are and begin to see their shortcomings and all the rough edges of their characters. Break up or maintain the relationship - the choice is yours.


Problems solved by a family therapist

Many families break up since they do not find common ground not only in conflict situations, but also in everyday life. In fact, most family dilemmas are completely solvable, but often only a specialist can help cope with them, because searching for solutions on your own only brings disappointment. In most cases, the cause of disappointment and family breakdown is a biased perception of the situation.

A family therapist helps solve the following problems:

• constant conflict situations;

• family crisis;

• conflicts related to the addiction of one of the spouses to something (drugs, drinking, games);

• problems in relationships associated with a change in situation or place of residence;

• problems of a sexual nature;

• problematic relationships with children, lack of a common language;

• betrayal;

• experiences associated with divorce.

Preventive family consultations with a psychotherapist

In the West, most married couples prefer to always have the phone number of a good psychotherapist at hand, even if the family has an even relationship. This approach is correct - prevention sometimes allows you to avoid serious conflicts and problems, and sometimes even divorce. This, in turn, helps preserve the mental health and nervous system of not only the spouses themselves, but also their children and other family members.

Preventive consultations with a psychotherapist sometimes make it possible to identify problems in the bud, when they are still implicit, and the spouses are not even aware of them. Also, a specialist will help not only restore, but also maintain sincere, trusting relationships with your children. Remember, it is always better to prevent a problem than to treat it.