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Anxiety Disorder

Normally, anxiety is one of the adaptation mechanisms; it allows a person to recognize danger and overcome it. However, in the case when anxiety becomes a constant companion of the patient’s life, and there are no rational reasons for such a condition, we are talking about anxiety disorders. This is a mental disorder that is accompanied by constant anxiety, somatic manifestations, rapid heartbeat, and fears. An integrated approach is used to treat anxiety disorder in Israel: psychotherapy, psychological counseling, drug therapy and additional therapy techniques if necessary.


Since the 90s of the twentieth century, this type of disorder has attracted increasing attention since anxiety disorders are the most common type of disorder in the population. According to statistics in the United States, 1 in 4 adults suffers from an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety or restlessness can be defined as a very unpleasant diffuse feeling of apprehension or fear of something. This feeling is often inexplicable and vague and has no connection with specific problems or incidents. Often the feeling of anxiety is accompanied by physical symptoms - a feeling of discomfort in the chest or in the epigastric region, palpitations, sweating, headache.

Normally, anxiety is a necessary adaptive mechanism that allows a person to avoid or overcome danger. When it comes to anxiety states as manifestations of pathology, the main difference is that there is no explainable cause for the anxiety, or the anxiety manifestation is completely disproportionate to the stress.


Types of Anxiety Disorders

The manifestations of anxiety disorders can be varied, and from a diagnostic point of view, the following types of anxiety disorders are distinguished:

• Panic disorder (with and without agoraphobia)

• Directly agoraphobia

• Social phobia

• Specific or so-called simple phobias

• Obsessive-compulsive disorder

• Generalized anxiety disorder.


Causes of anxiety disorders

Doctors, when explaining the causes of anxiety disorders, divide them into 2 groups – psychological and biological.

Among the psychological causes of anxiety disorders, it is worth highlighting the following:

• Anxious psychotype. Possessing an initially formed psychotype of the anxious type, such people are more often susceptible to anxiety, suspiciousness, and anxiety.

• Psychological trauma. These can be either traumatic events from childhood or psychological trauma received in adulthood. In any case, they have a destructive effect on the psyche, creating anxiety.

• Constant stress. Stressful situations at work or at home, unresolved conflicts make a person constantly nervous and worried about his family or work environment, about his future or the future of his family.

• A previous episode of depression or other psychological disorder can also trigger the development of anxiety.

• Negative psychological experience. If one of the patient’s relatives finds himself in a difficult situation or a life-threatening situation (serious illness, natural disaster, terrorist attack, accident), due to negative experience the person becomes susceptible to constant anxiety.

Among the biological causes of anxiety disorder, we note the following:

• Hereditary factor. If one of the patient's relatives suffered from an anxiety disorder, there is a high probability that this disease will be transmitted along the genetic line.

• Past illness. If a person has suffered from any physical illness or has a chronic disease, an anxiety disorder may develop against the background of concern about his well-being.

• Chronic pain syndrome.


Diagnosis of anxiety disorders

Diagnosis of anxiety disorders is carried out by a psychiatrist; the diagnosis is made if the following symptoms are present:

• excessive worry and anxiety, which are aimed at one or more aspects of life;

• cardiopalmus;

• frequent headaches;

• fears and phobias;

• obsessive thoughts;

• presence of stressful situations;

• increased nervousness.


Anxiety disorders in men and women

Anxiety spectrum disorders manifest themselves in approximately the same way in both men and women. The main symptom is low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, symptoms of depression and phobias. At the same time, women more often suffer from phobias, and men are characterized by hidden depression. Women are afraid of losing their jobs, their families, they worry about their children, they are afraid of being left without a livelihood. In rare cases, such anxiety results in a fear of closed spaces, open spaces, and other forms.

Men, on the other hand, are constantly tormented by anxious feelings, which is why they begin to exercise excessive control, trying to control literally everything - not only themselves, their emotions, but also situations and circumstances. Whenever they fail, they blame themselves. Such patients often develop alcohol dependence.


Anxiety disorders in children

Anxiety disorders in children appear due to too strict parental control and misunderstanding in the family. The child constantly experiences stress, he begins to worry before every significant event in his life, often falls into a hysterical state and is prone to tearfulness. Such children have low self-esteem and are unsure of themselves.

In the future, if the problem is ignored or the child is suppressed even more, he develops phobias and chronic, hidden depression.


Anxiety disorders in the elderly

In older people, anxiety disorder most often develops against the background of worries about their health, because of loneliness, and negative events in life. Such people constantly visit doctors, undergo an endless number of examinations, call their loved ones and acquaintances, talk about their anxiety, often show overprotection, and try to control everything.

If help is not provided in time to an elderly person with an anxiety disorder, the disease can develop into clinical depression.


Treatments for Anxiety Disorders

Treatment of anxiety disorders is carried out under the supervision of a psychiatrist and consists of drug therapy in combination with psychotherapy. In our clinic in Israel, patients undergo complex therapy in a psychoergonomic approach, conducted by qualified psychotherapists and psychologists.

Among the methods of treating anxiety disorders in our clinic, the following should be highlighted:

  • observation by a psychiatrist;

  • drug treatment with the most modern drugs;

  • individually selected psychotherapy;

  • consultations with psychologists;

  • additional psychotherapeutic techniques (biofeedback, art therapy; music therapy, sports therapy, hydrotherapy or hippotherapy).

Anxiety disorder responds quite well to treatment, thanks to which it is possible to achieve good therapeutic results in a short time.


Prevention of anxiety disorders

Prevention of anxiety disorders involves maintaining mental health, which is possible with the help of psychological tools obtained in the process of working with a psychologist and psychotherapist. With the help of such tools, the patient can resist stress and respond correctly to life situations.

After completing a course of treatment for anxiety disorders, IsraClinic specialists remain in touch with the patient, advise him on taking medications and give recommendations in difficult cases. Usually, our specialists select advice and recommendations individually, but there are still general preventive measures:


  • avoid stressful situations;

  • stop drinking alcoholic beverages, coffee and strong tea;

  • finding a hobby or activity that excites you. It is useful to do at least 30 minutes every day what you like - playing chess, volleyball, numismatics, drawing or other hobbies that bring joy and peace;

  • studying and adjusting the daily schedule, eliminating things that bring negative emotions;

  • Keeping a diary describing anxiety symptoms. It should carefully record at what moments anxiety occurs, what provokes it and what helps to cope. Such prevention of anxiety disorders will, over time, develop the habit of analysis and help you understand your condition;

  • if necessary, visit a psychotherapist and psychologist.